The Electronic Prescription Service, or EPS, is an NHS service that allows you to change how you receive your prescription. With EPS, your GP can send your prescription directly to a pharmacy of your choice, ready for when you arrive.
You will not need to visit your GP to pick up a paper prescription if you collect repeat prescriptions. Your GP can send it electronically to a pharmacy of your choosing. If you need to cancel a prescription or begin a new medication, you can also use EPS to manage them electronically through your GP.
The Electronic Prescription service was implemented to assist those who struggle to regularly travel to their GP to pick up paper prescriptions. The service also helps GP and Pharmacy staff manage patients’ prescriptions effectively.
It is an entirely secure, confidential and reliable service. Your information will not be shared outside of those who would manage a paper prescription otherwise.
There are several benefits to signing up for the Electronic Prescription Service:
If you collect your repeat prescriptions from your GP you will not have to visit your GP practice to pick up your paper prescription. Instead, your GP will send it electronically to the place you choose, saving you time.
You will have more choice about where to get your medicines because they can be collected from a location near to where you live, work or shop.
You may not have to wait as long as there will be time for your repeat prescriptions to be ready before you arrive.
EPS will be a good option for you if you have a stable condition and you:
EPS may not be for you if:
We offer all of our patients the option to opt-in and out of EPS at any time, to ensure convenience and help you manage your repeat prescriptions effectively. First, you will need to choose a place for your GP to send the electronic prescription to. This is called “Nomination”
You can choose between:
You can ask us to add your nomination to us for you, you will not need to use a computer. Alternatively, you can fill out this form to nominate Your Village Pharmacy for your repeat prescriptions.
On average, GP practices save roughly an hour and 20 minutes each day by signing electronic repeat prescriptions compared to paper versions. GP practices also save an average of an hour and 13 minutes a day by producing electronic versions of repeat prescriptions compared to paper-based ones.
Patients using the Electronic Prescription Service find it much easier to pick up repeat prescriptions from their chosen location. This also directly helps save time in busy GP practices.
If you don’t want your prescription to be sent electronically, tell your GP. If you want to change or cancel your nomination, send us an email or telephone us at ———. You can also ask your GP to practice. Be sure to inform us or your GP before your next prescription is due or your prescription may be sent to the wrong place.
Nominate us as your chosen pharmacy for the Electronic Prescription Service using this form or send us an email at
Mon - Fri
9.00 to 17.00
Saturday and Sunday We are Closed
Get in touch today and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Fill out the EPS nomination form to nominate Your Village Pharmacy to receive prescriptions from your GP.
We dispense all NHS prescriptions, as well as dental and private prescriptions. Once we have requested your prescription from your GP, they will sign it off and send it to us electronically.
As soon as your GP sends us the prescription, we will receive it immediately, meaning that you can collect it from us as soon as we alert you.
We can deliver your medication free of charge within a 2 mile radius, and are working to arrange an automated 24 hour collection point in the future. If you would like to arrange a delivery, contact us today.